
An Android trivia game for fun, playing and learning


TriviApp uses Firebase login authendication and real time database for score tracking.
Using the Retrofit library, all the question/answers used in the app are fetched from the OpenTriviaDB.
The game has a responsive modern UI with light/dark theming as well as a companion widget.

Get A Room

An Android application for hotel and motel booking and management


Get A Room was created as a university thesis project with intention to create a full-stack application usefull for travelers looking for a hotel or motel to make a booking as well as for owners who rent their properties.
The app uses a backend system hosted in a free server using phpMyAdmin.
Volley library is used for communication between Get A Room and the server.

Calculator & Currency Converter

A simple calculator with currency converter including all currencies around the world


Calculator & Currency Converter is an Android app built exclusively with Kotlin. It consists of two modules, the calculator that supports all types of basic calculations and the currency converter that converts from any given currency to any desired currency worldwide.
The currency data are always up to date and fetched from

Popular Movies

An Android app that displays the most popular movies from The Movie DB


Popular Movies is an Android app to check the most popular movies as listed on The Movie DB website. In the app, you can see all movie details, such as rating, duration and description, including trailers and movie reviews as well as the option to bookmark and view your favourite movies offline.
There is also a tablet view support.
The movies data are fetched from The Movie DB

Baking app

An Android app that shows cake recepies with embeded video and a widget companion


Baking app utilizes fragments, widgets, media player via the Google's ExoPlayer library, various lirbaries, and espresso testing via a list of recipes fetched from this URL in JSON form.
It also supports tablet view.

Pokedex app

A Pokedex app just for fun


This application was created with React Native and can be run on Android and iOS. It is a simple pokedex app that displays a list with every Pokemon and has a search bar to filter the list.
It consists of the details screen which displays the details of a selected Pokemon, such as the photo, Stats, Types, Abilities etc. along with a gif image of this Pokemon.
It gets data from PokeAPI.

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